
what's my next language to learn? So far I only know powershell. I don't need it for any big project, just some small games to learn the language. I'm thinking of python or c#.

  • 4
    python. then javascript, and when/if you decide you're ready for non-scripting, I'd go for java.
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    @noamtm No offence. I'd go the complete opposite direction. Learn OOP principles first through Java, then write beautifully constructed scripts :D
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    @ChrisCooney in general I agree, but if the OP has started with powershell, maybe the jump to java is to much. It's not clear if he/she is aiming for a programming career.
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    I agree with @noamtm, you should learn python next so its familiar. But learn python with classes so you're easing your way into OOP. Java should be an easier beast to tame after that 👍🏻
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    Whitespace, or maybe lolcode. Should be able to land you a good job.

    Or you can check out the faq on /r/learnprogramming on reddit and try to find out what you actually want yourself.
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    It depends on the direction you want to take your career. What do you enjoy?
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    JavaScript. So much fun, especially once you get into Nodejs or Asmjs. hell you can even program microcontrollers with JavaScript.
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    Haskell, bro.
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    I would recommend Ruby over Python tho. Start with normal scripts into OOP and after that you could jump to pure OOP language like Java or C++ (I prefer Java over C++, but that's just me)
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    Ruby it's a great language and rails is hot.
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    @grolofson I like the syntax of Ruby a lot. It is so easy to create a dsl for your problems/programs. Python is probably a lot more powerful on its own but I think that Ruby is more convenient within itself. Getting the time plus 10 months is quite "natural": 10.months.from_now

    Ruby is probably mostly used within rails, a really powerful Web framework.
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