Why do simple errors take the longest to fucking find!

Was using the geolocation api (js) to get the current longitude and latitude of my location. Stored them in an object to use in a fetch(). Every time I ran the fetch it was giving me the wrong location!

1hr later I realized I had used.


After realizing this mistake and everything I that lead up to that moment I closed my MacBook and took my ass to sleep.

Moral of this story is...take fucking breaks.

  • 10
    Yesterday I was told I need to make my Azure SQL db on a static ip.

    "Ok, I'll make a quick proxy"

    30 mins to make proxy, 3 hours of why the fuck won't you work, 1 hour nap, check AWS VPC settings to see I wasn't letting 1433 through, 5 mins later it works.

    The 1 hour nap was more productive than 3 hours of frustrated nonsense.
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