
One day when I was about 8 years old my friend and I were in the library. We decided we wanted to try to make a baseball website because we both likes baseball (this was around 1998). We picked up a book on HTML and my dad took it out for us. My dad was also a programmer so he said he would help us learn. We went home that afternoon and made a little website!

I knew right then that I really enjoyed programming and creating things with code, but I realized I wanted to be a programmer in middle school and high school. One of my friends and I started building Flash games. To see if people were playing them, I added in a call to each game that hit a PHP script on our server. I'll never forget the days/weeks that one of our most popular games caused our sever to get hammered and our shared host said they were going to boot us.

It was an awesome feeling knowing people were enjoying these games that we worked really hard on, and that's one of the main reasons I always wanted to be coding/creating things that people enjoy using.

  • 9
    @Haxk20 thanks :)

    An actually no, this was way before I met Tim at my first job out of college.
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    Nice story, it deserves a stress-ball ;)
  • 7
    give this man a stress ball
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    @vishxl I think this man already has one since he's dfox xd
  • 8
    Bruh! At the rate you're going, you'll be able to send yourself a squishy ball :D
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    Your last paragraph rings true. I am not actually that fond of the job but when people use the stuff I made it's a good feeling.

    I am also the sysadmin at my work and I really like it when shit like the VPN, the PBX server etc actually make people's lives easier.
  • 2
    Great story! You are certainly helping lots of people and bringing happiness to the world.
  • 5
    Thanks everyone, glad you found it mildly entertaining :)
  • 2
    @dfox Great story, look where it has brought you! Can't wait to see more great things
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    @Devintrix thank you :)
  • 3
    Go send yourself a sticker!
  • 6
    😥😭I wish someone would have taught me programming when I was 8
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    @dfox This is why devRant is such a success! Motivation brought by the joy of the end users. Keep up that spirit, it will take you far!
  • 7
    @Michal78 thank you, I really appreciate that :) We're lucky to have so many awesome users like you in the community now and we want to keep making it more fun!
  • 3
    you always have amazing and inspiring stuff to motivate us thnx @dfox
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    @Vicky thank you!
  • 2
    Random thought though. How does devRant not lose a crap ton of money? I mean, hosting, keeping it on the app stores, free swag,....
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