
Started using longer passphrases for logins, colleague starts to tell people I'm doing bad things because"no one needs a password that long"

I get reprimanded by my boss

How the hell does this even happen smh

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    Force them to use over 40% special characters, ban dictionary words and do forced resets every 7 days for security reasons.
  • 7
    Oh my god
    Look at that password
    It is so big
  • 6
    @Nanos oh my god, I was signing up for something online yesterday and I had to enter a password and a confirm password. My password of choice was 16 characters long but I kept getting a "passwords do not match" error. After five minutes, several refreshes and lots of shouting, I realised that the confirm password field had a 15 character limit but the password field didn't. One character was being omitted each time lol
  • 1
    Woah, dude, sorry your boss is a dick
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    @gorsamp omg! Becky, look at that butt
  • 1
    @Nanos I really hate sites that enforce a special character. None of my passwords have a special character as its not a common request, so I just add and exclamation mark to my password lol
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    my passwords are 64 characters long, they are useless in most cases because websites have 8, 16 or 20 character limit so I use different parts of one password for multiple sites
  • 2
    @Nanos which means they store them in plaintext... 🤢
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    @ribchinski Do you only have one password? 0.o
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    @ribchinski Oh okay good. I just got worried there 😅
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    @Nanos ranting about the real issues :D
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    @ribchinski I know. That's what worried me
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