IPhone speech to text has come a long way. Definitely has improved. Real-time dictation rather than batching it.

I am currently doing approximately 50 percent of my rants by voice. In fact the rank you are reading I did by voice.

You can easily do punctuation such as a period, new paragraph, new line, caps and lower case. The speech recognition is excellent even with my New York accent and it learns the more you use it. Rarely does it get a word wrong.

Editing still has to be done manually and is a pain but that may change as dragon already allows you to do in-line editing. iOS speech to text has already surpassed dragon in some facets.

I do have to press the add new and post buttons at this Time to post my rants. But that may change as the enhanced dictation on the map allows you access to specific commands.

I will keep you informed of progress and I will be testing on android over the next few days as well.

  • 4
    he missed : "...in fact the rank..."
  • 1
    Thanks. Good catch
  • 3
    So you rant out loud... That is brave. I hide my rants and do it on the toilet. Lol
  • 0
    I'm impressed you managed to not end up WITH .

    (period, new paragraph, new line, caps)
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