People points at something on my monitor: My nuts climb the tree to hide

People points at something on my monitOR BY FUCKING TOUCHING IT: My day is ruined and my disappointment is immeasurable. And fuck you.

Official statistics say that people who touches a monitors screen while im nearby, lives significantly shorter time than people who dont.

  • 8
    @rasm945i – Tell those greasy fingered mofos to *not* touch your screen next time. Or, if you wanna be passive aggressive about it, give a subtle ~sigh~ of annoyance, and wipe down the spots they touched while they're still there.
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    Reminds me of a rant by @404response
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    I think it was you that made the rant about touching your screen or something—I don't remember.
  • 6
    I honestly don't mind it when people touch my screen, I do it all the time myself.
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    Get rid of your glossy screen or clean your dusty screen. I dislike when my colleague touches my screen but I can't really see any marks so it doesn't matter.
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    I sorta do it but I've got a microfiber cloth and laptop soap/spray/thing to clean my screen c:
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    I had a coworker that would bitch about people touching his screen. He was a pain in the ass to work with.
    Like, we are having a serious discussion and I point at something without touching the screen but he still starts complaining and disrupts the whole discussion because you see, once I touched his screen and he is afraid I would do it again. Even though when I did, it did not leave a mark and I learned my lesson to not do it again, because I don't want to listen to his complaining again.
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    @PRein if i dont calm my titties, i could be that annoying co-worker xD
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    @webnoob i usually tell those that i suspect would touch my screen not to do it. After a while they temporarily forget :i
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    Lmao! Calm down treacle.
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    You can use below one next time
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    @arpit1997 i believe i got that one somewhere as well :P
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    @arpit1997 that looks like the dude has a condom on his finger. Or a balloon or smth. Fire was the last thing that came to mind looking at it.
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