What are you developing? And what do you love about it?

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    Depression. It makes me feel how worthless I am...
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    At this every moment I'm running test on a application that our company has developed. But soon will be starting a major project with new technology which I love to use! So exited for that project!
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    Currently working on a games development kit and the main part I'm working on is the asset packages file format and directory structure.

    And I love that watching all of the files interacting with eachother, sort of weird but great
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    Alcoholism. It's really fun.
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    Web apps that make dumbasses lives better so they can be dumbasses to a greater extent elsewhere until we have to create an app for that too. Sad but true but yeah i love it. sad but true...
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    A blog 'engine' for my own security/privacy blog :)

    I love it because it's actually read by quite some devRanters!
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    @toonvanstrijp To the blog? It's still running on the old version, will hopefully be ready for releasing the new version tomorrow! https://much-security.nl ;)
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    @linuxxx yes the blog ;), and how did you build it?
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    @toonvanstrijp It runs on Nginx, PHP, MySQL and Redis :) also hello fellow Dutchie!
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