
Is anyone here game developer too? Especially unity and c#?

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    kind of, why?
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    @NotMe Idk, just wanted to see. I see so much other devs here like web devs.
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    I'm not confident enough to call myself a dev by any means, but I've been messing around a decent bit in Unity as well as been following a course on programming with C# in Unity. This is how I've figured out that I'm not a game designer at all really, I'm more into the backend stuff. :)
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    @Navigatr Those courses can be good to decide if you like game programming/designing or not. I definitly enjoy it and I'm planning some future projects. But I can also understand if some says 'nothing for me'.
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    @Jop- Mhm okay. Maybe you miss something you would really enjoy ;)
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    @Jop- No, I mean that the creative ideas aren't my forte. I love game development, I just find the writing of the code the most interesting. It's just difficult coming up with independent projects when I've got zero imagination. :P
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    @Jop- If anything, Unity actually helps with that, making it easier. 😆
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    I used to be, but in C (and some custom languages), not C#, and no game engines.
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    I'd love to be, but I'm still learning ropes in Unity. I even recently went to a interview and ranted about it :)
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    I did some Unity stuff in C#, but I've dropped off a little bit. I'm currently volunteer TA at my HS trade school, but more of the teacher because currently he doesn't know anything about Unity.
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    @404-js oh a pity..
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    @Root No game engines? Isn't it very uncomfortable to work wothout them?
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    @Reemy It's absolutely more work, but we didn't use one, so, discomfort? Not relevant.

    You make things work, and you do so in the most performant way possible, with the tools you have (or don't have, in this case)
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    I made a game for ludum dare once. So technically yes 😁
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    @Root I think it's a lot more work without an engine and I personally really like Unity.
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