
First website with React JS:

After a month of studying on React I am finally building a commercial website with it. When I started learning React with redux and react router it felt so unnecessarily complex.

But trust me guys, all it takes is patience. Once you learn it creating a Web app is a breeze. And everything eventually makes so much sense. I'm so glad that I didn't give up and if you in the same position , DON'T GIVE UP. You'll eventually realise how amazing react is.

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    I've been looking to use React for a new site we've got coming up. It's a big UI refresh and the previous codebase uses Angular 1. While I'm all for working with what you have it felt that with Angular 2, and its reported lack of backwards compatibility, we could take a fresh look at frameworks.

    I like the look for React and did a simple hello world / intro tutorial, but the question is this: how does it handle a complicated UI? (And by complicated, something along the lines of a busy Netflix UI or the Amazon homepage)
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    @mattjbones redux library is the solution for complicated UI. As you already know all the data in React is basically states. And managing these states using react only is hard. This is where redux comes in. It is absolutely brilliant. It saves your necessary states as global states and you can access them from anywhere which makes state management super easy.

    Also the components can be broken down to atomic parts so if have websites like amazon you can break it down to components and individually develop them. Redux also help in this part as well :)
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    @tahnik just adding to your post.

    Check out: https://egghead.io/courses/...

    Takes 30 mins to go through the videos made by the creator of redux. He explains it very clearly. After watching it I was sold with this pattern of managing state.
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    @morgh Thanks for sharing knowledge. I was learning from udemy but I'll look into this sometime
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    @tahnik in that case. he recently posted a new series of videos on the same site with more advanced scenarios. highly recommend it
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    What resource you used for studying?
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    I think Netflix actually does use react for their UI
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    @cesc1989 Hey there, I used Udemy course from Stephen Grider. He's awesome
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    react code is easy to grasp at first glance
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