Stop teaching java on a fucking notepad.

Also, since I am from India, start teaching and putting more emphasis on python. Also not to mention git without which you cant live.

If not in schools, these should be made compulsory for CS grads in universities.

  • 0
    Why would you want to be teached more python because you are from india?
  • 0
    Yeah they are still teaching fucking FoxPro and Fortran..
  • 1

    Because in India, you either learn java or .net. I dont think so there is even an option of taking a python course in 99% of the universities. Dont know about other countries but this is what the situation is in India hence the specific.
  • 0
    You shouldn't depend on college for learning a language. You have internet with unlimited possibilities, use that.
  • 0

    If everything is available on the internet why even graduate. We are talking about quality education here and this is what needs to be changed in colleges to make them qualify under that category.
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