As an CS college drop-out I have nothing to add than what has already been said, outdated material and barely used languages with paper coding / exams and listening to an old geeze about when he programmed in 1942.. you get it..
Not that I lack respect for what the man did back then but it seems rather unrelated in today's times.

So now it's stockmen work while own study, working on small projects and learning with mates and amazing camp platforms now and again.

  • 2
    Same story for me...
    Except that professors thought they were living gods just because they know all the “theory” stuff.

    Dropped out of college, I founded a succesful software consulting company.

    You don’t need a shitty piece of paper telling you what you are already able to do.

    People constantly speaking about their certifications or accademic achivements are usually the worst coders out there.
  • 1
    Nowadays A CS degree just feels like some ticket to a high-paying job and not valuable instruction.
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