my colleague wants to build a wall.

  • 10
    Is his name Donald Trump?
  • 4
    And in 6 years time, when some junior sprog has to maintain this code he's going to be confused as fuck and also post it on devRant.
  • 0
    I prefer my code neutral (bar some obscure easter eggs) But this is hilarious
  • 0
    He's definitely related to trump.
  • 0
    Redux and normalizr?
  • 0
  • 0
  • 1
    @preyerguilt This is funny even as a Mexican.
  • 0
    @kwilliams these objects are named like this because this is a redesign of the front-end of an already existing app.
    The object names here is what is returned from the already existing API which we have no control over.
    So technically your prediction for 6years time is already happening :-)
  • 0
    When the code sends its variables, it's not sending the best. It's sending exceptions that have lots of problems and they're bringing those problems with them. They're bringing SQL injection. They're bringing runtime errors. They're null references...And some, I assume, are normal integers...but still ;)
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