
Skynet is already here! They just call it windows update.... This shit can force itself through any number of times I say DISABLE AUTO FUCKING UPDATES.

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    We have the same issue - but we use DeepFreeze and windows cannot apply the update as it's running. So despite us telling Windows we don't want your stupid updates it still downloads, still wastes bandwidth and then we had to uninstall Deep Freeze just to get windows update to shut the f**k up and leave us alone. Despite us disabling windows update.

    We thought about blocking the windows update ports on our router but Windows could change those periodically so endless cat and mouse. We thought about adding a callback to the windows update service URLs and adding them to our hosts file to redirect back to but they could change the update URLs (unlikely but possible).

    What I don't get is we as consumers have paid good money for Windows OS and they are dictating to us how to use it. Thank goodness we don't have legacy software that requires a stable environment otherwise we'd be buggered!

    Anyone had success with blocking Skynet/Windows or do I have to go back to Windows 7?
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    @Xaldos I'll post what happened with me after devrant 1 post per 2 hours countdown finishes
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    @Dropkick500 You talking about the update service? Does this work for you?
    So if you actually want updates you enable it back, update then disable again?
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    Yeah if you disable the service it will not update even if you manually tell it to.
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    Is googling really that hard nowadays?


    You just need to edit your local policies. It's not that hard. Works 100%, without any third party tools and weird shitty tricks. It's in there, just hidden where most typical users won't look.
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