
Made a root only app: enable/disable GPS, mobile data, airplane mode and etc. work on not rooted device(yes all these functions work too).

How: Desktop app which downloads cross-platform ADB drivers, unzips them, executes a few commands, deletes the drivers and voala.
P.S: I use local ADB TCP connection(yeah I ported a part of the drivers for java android) and write_secure_settings granted with 'pm grant'.
And everything is user-friendly with screenshots explaining how to enable ADB and how to click a 2 buttons.

  • 1
    @IllSlapU sorry, my French language knowledge is practically nonexistent.
  • 0
    And what is it for? the functions you listed are 3 clicks in the notification menu, if it was supposed to be a battery saver, then nobody is going to first download a tool for that either, theres no use for elder either, as thats even more complicated
  • 1
    @JoshBent The trick is to control the device remotely
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