When I left school I decided to apply for a junior dev role. I received a call back later that day and they tried to sell me access to some course with the promise of a job afterwords. They gave me a website to visit to find more information.

I Googled the company and found that it was as I suspected a scam and that they had been praying on the jobless for sometime.

So, I played around on the site they told me to visit for a while and found a rather simple SQLI. I managed to pull the admin email/password (which they stored as plain text) the email address belonged to a Gmail account.

I tried the password for the Gmail account turns out the account belongs to the person running the scam. I find an email from the hosting account and you guessed it the password was the same.

I pulled the site down and replaced it with a picture of the person running the scam along with his name and the words "I'm a dirty scammer".

Then I sent all the info to the police (he'd been running a few others scams too) not sure what that lead to I didn't hear anything back.

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