pretty much my whole life right now

  • 18
    What's that face thing? Unofficial facebook client?
  • 6
    @mzeffect it's the file explorer on Mac. I don't understand why out of everything on that OS it has to be a face though.
  • 3
  • 6
    Isn’t it everyone’s life right now
  • 0
    @BindView triggered. why?
  • 3
    @eshwarenm these are all proprietary software
  • 5
    Hardcore people will say you only need second icon
  • 0
    @BindView okay i get that. just i actually need like chrome for work. i tried emacs and all that but i need more practise before i can use it at the office
  • 1
    @lunorian I dislike windows explorer a lot
  • 1
    Why so much hate about finder ?
    Finder is cool....
    Macnazis everywhere....
  • 1
    Visual Studio professional with JetBrains tool pack :), only about $150/month
  • 1
    What's the third one?

    For me, on my work Mac:

    Iterm2 and Firefox developer edition

    On my Linux desktop at home, doing work, I use xterm instead of iterm2.
  • 1
    You are not alone
  • 1
    @bahua Sublime Text
  • 1
    Hackintosh for work? How's it holding up? Why not Linux?
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    @tomhayes its not a hackintosh. i use a macbook pro with an external display. I cannot use Linux at work. im not that good with it yet, so im still slow. maybe one day ill be better at it.
  • 0
    @tomhayes and i used to do alot of designing too. but no more. Hence the MacOS
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    @bahua I find macs terminal is good enough for me. I have not found a use case at work to change to a different terminal. Maybe soon?
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    @raldo94 hmm this sounds like sarcasm,but are they any good?
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    @Teknas I have learned to live with this. For the noob me, MacOS is still the most productive os for me. :/
  • 0
    @Teknas I have learned to live with this. For the noob me, MacOS is still the most productive os for me. :/
  • 0

    The default app lacks a lot of really outstanding features. For example, it's really nice to split sessions on the same screen, and to be able to input into all of them with the same keypresses. I'm also a huge fan of keyboard-searching of the scroll buffer, and being able to tab-complete the selection of blocks of text to easily copy.

    Iterm2 is, with the possible exception of Alfred, the best MacOS app I know.
  • 0
    @localjoost it's exactly like thunar and that kind of shit but better 😃
  • 2
    Sometimes I'd wish I has a newer MacBook and that I was used to roam around the OS. The terminal is much nicer to use compared to the 15 different terminals and prompts that you get on Windows.
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