
Why would someone in the fucking year of 2018 use fucking IE and only IE?
People need to understand that the sole purpose of IE is to download chrome🤣😂
No matter the framework/language you use it is guaranteed to crash in IE.
It's gonna be a glorious day😂

  • 4
    Not only chrome, also firefox (where on a platform with many privacy conscious people)

    Or Opera if they're funny

    Or freaking Neon if they're hip
  • 6
    Most of people that work in government departments use IE and there are few reasons for that. Either they are completely atechnical even though they are holding the position of a person that should at least know how to use computers effectively or someone higher up blocked the possibility of installing any kind of software and thus limiting possible to user browsers to one. It doesn't help that in many places OS used is Windows XP or something similar.
    So they won't learn. They'll just have to be replaced. And until then there's nothing we can don't favourite thing those people do is making a screenshot of a bug, pasting it into some old Word and sending it via email.
  • 2
    What about qutebrowser though?
  • 3
    @Agred yes we are talking about some government workers. Always outdated an deprecated😂
  • 6
    [citation needed]
  • 2
    @petru isn't outdated and deprecated the same thing? :)
  • 3
    @Agred as far as I know deprecated is something you use only for historical purposes and should not be used. Obsolete or outdated is something that could still be used but has never versions
  • 0
    Because developers allow them
  • 1
    Works with a guy who only used IE at a web dev company, he worked support for the customers and since he used IE like they did, he already knew about all of their issues beforehand :)
  • 0
    MS faced a lawsuit for selling IE together with Windows. Was in 2001.
  • 2
    Lots of our clients require IE support, because their corporate sites and internal systems are outdated and built for IE6. And IE can be ran as another version in compatibility mode. Luckily Edge can do this too, so they’re slowly moving to using Edge instead of IE
  • 0
    Holy crap! I had no idea IE was still so popular! I already knew I miss out on a lot of things but I didn't see this one coming 8)
  • 0
    Last time i'm loving Firefox. It's improving a lot
  • 1
    @vlatkozelka I see. But they did their best developing Edge right? It's an acceptable product, to say the least. (I don't use it though, in fact today I've installed Vivaldi, coming from Opera)
  • 0
    “Breaking IE is a feature, not a bug”
    -Great quote from a random dude on the Internet that will never get the proper credit because it’s the Internet
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