Was looking into a project by some other intern... Found this

  • 30
    Weird that the file is only that comment..
  • 8
    It's always amusing to find those comments in code :D
  • 4
    Probably the logger checks for that filename specifically and he might not have checked if it actually existed so it just crashes if it doesn't exist or someting like that.
  • 1
    @Charmesal I'm no expert here.....but why not just Ctrl-F? Find where it looks for the file name and fix it.
  • 1
    VisualBasic Script, wow, it's been so long since I last saw it. I didn't know it was still in use
  • 1
    @NULLmaster I totally agree with you. I'd do exactly that but it's not my project or rant so I can't 😅
  • 1
    I was about to say something but maaan VisualBasic!! long time no see! 😝
  • 0
    Visual basic??
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