
I've switched from pycharm to sublime to vsocde in a month, now vim is catching my eye, my mentor will kill me if i started using vim now but it's freaking interesting, will be learning a little bit of vim, will stick to vscode for long term i guess.

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    If you have the basics down with Vim, try installing jedi package with pip and getting the vim-jedi plugin. Works super well IMO, but it can be a little slow. Maybe there is an asynchronous completed that can use it, not sure.
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    @Jilano yes, thinking about doing that.
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    thanks :)
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    touch vim_eshell.el
    echo "(defun run-vim () (interactive )(eshell) (switch-to-buffer "*eshell*") (insert "vi") (eshell-send-input))" >> vim_eshell.el

    Now you don't need to leave Emacs like these other savages.
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    Its a text editor, not a girl ffs
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    You can start learning vim from inside VSC, just install the vim key bindings.
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    Plot twist: change python to C
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    @byte yeah considering that, but I need to learn the vim basics first.
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    @mkdirLuci4 lol my mentor would say exactly the same, but i need to feel comfortable to settle down.
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    @rookie careful, it's a deep hole...
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    @seraphimsystems yeah just trying to settle down.
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    @electrineer I've done basics of C in uni, python will for now.
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