Guys, can you recommend over-year headphones up to 100-120$? Thank you:)

  • 1
    Hyper X cloud 2, had them a year? Really good and comfortable
  • 1
    Philips fidelio m1 or beyerdynamics dt770
  • 1
    Sennheiser sh550
  • 1
    Whichever you get, make sure it’s NC. All developers need NC.
  • 1
    I bought a pair of Coloud headphones for 27 bucks shipped to my door.

    I love them.
  • 2
    If youre into headphones and good deals checkout massdrop.com

    You can usually find a few pairs of high end headphones on there for huge discounts
  • 0
    Thank you all for the answers
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