
Did devrant's backend downsize or something? I came back after a while and the whole app is like, 10 times less responsive, taking ages to load and respond etc

  • 7
    Yeah I‘m feeling it, too.
  • 4
    I feeling it three. My statistics system also reports failures, normally when it has that, I reboot but now I had to build in exceptions. Statistics system is not the cause, it didn't run for almost three weeks. Normally devrant is quite responsive indeed.
  • 4
    Fuck, it's really slow, every comment and also likes are often not done. You upvote, it turn red immediately, you go back, not upvoted.
  • 7
    @retoor the end is nigh
  • 3
    @Lensflare or someone is building a bot network again. But even during the bot war the platform was just fast. It can handle a lot. Maybe some backups are being done.
  • 8
    @retoor or the maintainer switched to a lower tier to save costs
  • 3
  • 2
    @Lensflare maybe, but why are you so expensive?

    It states to be hosted at digital ocean but when i check whois, I see aws stuff. I do not know if digital ocean is so easy to downsize.. Let's wait a day before speculate.

    Edit: ugh, this is not doable.
  • 2
    Since the system has some speed issues, i made the anti spam bots a few times slower, it's possible that you'll see a bit spam but maybe it helps. It can be more efficient that this anyway: https://ragnar.molodetz.nl/
  • 1
    @retoor seems faster now. Not sure if coincidence though.
  • 2
    @Demolishun we'll see. If my change did change smth regarding speed something must have changed regarding dR. My bots did not became heavier or something. I will see tomorrow or so if I can make it more efficient. Currently, every (active) bot has it's own rant list. That's inefficient, all bots could share the same source. Thats is bot count * requests lower and it could check only once per minute and it will be super fast.
  • 3
    @Demolishun ah no, it doesn't have to do anything with the bots at all. I made a mistake and they were bashing twice as hard even. Now i really made it slower. Still will look into performance upgrade, i can make the system even faster with using less resources.
  • 2
    @retoor maybe the server is closet masochist. It loves it when you #metoo.
  • 1
    Platform is just fast again. Maybe dfox was mining some bitcoin or was gaming on the server for a while. Storm in glass water.
  • 1
    @retoor has the number of spam increased lately? I‘m sure you are monitoring that kind of stuff :)
    Maybe this could be a possible explanation.
  • 2
    @Lensflare I monitor all, but don't have statistics like increasing or so. Would be interesting to make.. But today is 9 messages so far, so meh. I wished that the spammers were smarter so I could upgrade the anti spam system a bit. Now, there's no reason, it handles it perfect. They do fight back by upvoting the downvoted posts but once in a while I run script to downvote back. Buffon was at least competition.
  • 1
    The database is fucked after all the spam in the last months
  • 1
    @12bitfloat nah prolly it's indexed well. That few spam messages is nothing in comparison to the messages in dem golden days. Funny numbers are the vote / rant stats mentioned at the home page. It kinda shows how much readers vs writers this platform had and maybe relatively still has. So much more readers than writers. It was smth like 150.000 rants and 6.8mln voters? Damn.
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