
Got one week to learn .net core from scratch and build a web app.
I already miss my Java 😶

  • 6
    It's not that different from .Net and .Net and Java don't differ _that_ much
  • 7
    Just remember the way you would do something with java, then find the smallest annoying detail that can be changed and BAM fluent c#
  • 2
    Yeah main problem is I have no idea how web works was only building programs and apps never web.
  • 0
    Is it a rest server or do you render on server side?
  • 1
    C# supposed to be the server side and also the front for start, then have to learn js and angular for front later on.
  • 0
    Uh, i cant really help then, i got a tutorial on web stuff but its mostly for rest. There are probably some good tutorials put there, good luck
  • 0
    @Vitz I can help you with any version of Angular. Maybe if I get time I can share with you the skeleton application I've developed. It's about time I open sourced it.
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