Why the hell would someone name their function printSomething?

I literally just got a message from an old Sololearn user needing help with yet another thing.

The moment I saw that function name was the moment I logged out. Stop using shit function names.

  • 11
    It might actually print 'something'!
  • 4
    Ohhh, haha. I guess it might, but I'm not going to look at it in case it's one of those kinds of codes.
  • 8
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    @Qwby now that's "someThing"
  • 5
    Hahaha took me way too long to realize the name is literally "printSomething"
    hahaha time to sleep
  • 1
    @azous probably you didn't sleep when we were doing rm -rm /* the mgmt did you? XD
  • 1
    @VTCoder sorry thats rm -rf /*
    I was on mobile.....
  • 1
    @Michelle you still awake?!
    Sleep otherwise you'd be sleepy in the school
    Oh well tomorrow(today) is Sunday
  • 1
    How do you know the time in my timezone? Lol.
    I usually stay up until 1 am, but tomorrow's Sunday, so I can stay up even later.
  • 0
    Uh, no. I don't live in Florida.
  • 1
    @Michelle oh..... Seriously?
  • 1
    If you're taking about one of my rants, I mentioned Florida because of the shooting that happened there.

    My state isn't a secret. Some devRanters know what state I live in, and some also know I live in the bay area. Obviously not saying what city. One devRanter already knows what city I live in, but he found out on accident.
  • 1
    @Michelle oh sorry California and Florida have same time zone and I don't know why I instead remembered Florida and not Cal.
  • 1
    Nope. The timezones are different. :)

    It's 1 am over here, but 4 am in Florida.
  • 1
    @Michelle LoL sorry then
  • 2
    It sends whatever is on the page to a printer? You know the ones that print on paper... or maybe a 3D printer... Then it really would be print something
  • 1
    @Michelle good morning
  • 1
  • 1
    I add stupid function names and do unecessary things sometimes when I feel like having fun on my leisure projects. It makes the whole thing way more fun when your program responds sassily and sometimes roasts the user
  • 1
    I guess in Java he would have created printFactory
  • 1
    Still better than a production app having functions like testing()
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