Ill join in - Our CEO and CTO insist that we can make an AI that can recognize emotions and feelings through Python, R, and some MySQL... mind you, with a team of unpaid interns....

Im sorry, but Id love some of whatever the fuck they are smoking.

  • 2
    I would love to solve that kind of problems. Transactional systems are becoming boring as hell
  • 2
    Job security is the only benefit i see in this delusion
  • 3
    They might be talking about sentiment analysis if it’s in the context of written comments on your site or something similar. And yeah with those tools implementing something like that would be pretty easily doable.
  • 0
    def isAHappyMessage(message):
  • 0
  • 0
    @ckornichuk yea the stack is fine - but its being made by unpaid interns ffs
  • 0
    @YouAreAPIRate its unpaid - there is no security
  • 2
    Never work unpaid
  • 1
    Haha the corporate office for where I recently started wants to hire a group of students with an interest in data science to fix an issue of excessive alarms at one of our sites during their summer holidays. I suggested we just configure the system properly so the problem goes away but that seemed too outlandish.
  • 0
    @mkdirLuci4 Well it’s not the business’ fault that you chose an unpaid internship. The point of internships is to learn from the business and have something good to put on a resume for your next job. Sentiment analysis would be a cool project to work on IMO.
  • 1
    @ckornichuk Im not the unpaid intern(s). I WAS the Senior Dev, until I recently left for a different job.
  • 2
    Okay let me fucking clarify - these are unpaid interns from a lowgrade community college, and they barely know programming HTML - let alone analyzing sentiment and Machine Learning

    Like come on people, lets not fly too close to the sun now
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