Anyone else here a high school student that does programming for an FRC team? If so, what number? Also, what language?

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    Yes, former 280
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    @ewpratten @SecondThread I saw your two comments... better be here xD Since I didn't mention it in the rant, I'm on TnT 280 btw. ^^Gerry is only kinda former 280 tho
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    @Rekonnect I was there for a day and then left
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    @ewpratten I saw how ya did on TBA, nice making it into quarters! We also just finished on Saturday, and we were the first backup. We got pulled into semis!
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    I was. We used C++ for a long time, and two years ago a friend an I rewrote our whole codebase to use Java instead since that was what was taught in APCS and we wanted more programmers to be familiar with what we were using if possible. I also wrote a vision library in Java that we relied on pretty heavily until this year (now we use OpenCV with Java)

    I’m a former member of team 2202, btw.
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    Hyped for the Orlando Regional!!!
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    @SecondThread I'm actually flying down to Orlando tomorrow! Might have to see what's going on and see if I can see what other teams are doing :D
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    @Rekonnect what are you coming here for?
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    @SecondThread Annual(ish) small family vacation, just my dad and I + grandparents. Might have some time.
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