
I had a fun experience today.
Updated my system, got plenty of unsuspecting dpkg errors. Couldn't figure out how to solve them (all relating to something python-*). Next issue was Firefox, which wouldn't even start.
Uninstall, reinstall.
And it won't even start up without immediately giving me some XML error related to... chrome? Whatever.
Start it from the terminal, mostly to see if it gives me the error in more detail. Ublock Origin does not like when Firefox gets reinstalled apparently. Spend more time than I'd like to admit getting a Firefox to start in safe mode with all extensions disabled. Apparently it's 'firefox -safe-mode' (yes I didn't try the obvious because I wasn't thinking). Uninstall all my extensions then Install them again, problem solved.

Now to solve those damn dpkg errors...

  • 1
    Yeah linux is pretty fun...
    I broke my window system recently because I forced my graphics drivers to update, but I guess they are simply not supported on debian 😔 switching to arch as soon as i can burn CDs again 😂😭
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