Anyone ever get cold called through LinkedIn? I had a guy contact me asking could we have coffee. Did some research on him and he seems a pretty successful guy. I was curious so I responded with a time and date.

Met him and he explained his business, what he was doing and what he was looking for. It was a senior position but would involve alot of backend work and team leading. Lots of long hours.. i was very interested but due to other commitments I couldn't take it further, so I politely declined.

Fast forward to 6 months later, he comes back to see if my situation has changed. It has. He says the company is being bought out and being funded for 3 years, he is in the middle of negotiations and its almost done. we begin negotiations and I agree a nice package with benefits. He seems delighted. I am happy.

Nearly 4 weeks later, 3 unanswered messages and an unreturned missed call, I am like wtf!!!

  • 2
    He ditched you xD
  • 2
    yes. although mine never caught the train between the abundance that is inmail and actual email with project files.
    oh well, plenty of other fish in the sea.
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