
Getting older. I've been needlessly worried about my age as a developer since I was 23, which is hilarious.

People always need good devs. You don't have to become a manager or commit suicide at 30. Just be awesome and someone will pay you.

  • 3
    Same goes when you are 50 👴
  • 4
    Hell, some people (like me) don't even start a career as a dev until they are 30!
  • 3
    Phew, thought I had to kill myself this year after becoming 30
  • 1
    As Uncle Bob puts it, it's not that developers stop developing software after a few decades or that they necessarily become undesirable, it's that due to the exponential growth of the profession (doubles per decade roughly) there simply aren't that many old developers around.

    Basically the above observation leads to the conclusion that half of all devs have less than 10 years experience.
  • 2
    Welp now I feel young 😶
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