
They wanna increase the tax of everything probably including the ball weight. Hey you got big ball, give 10% of your salary as tax. Fuck you government.

But you can't even provide a fucking proper electricity during day time.

  • 2
    The tax rate doesn't affect business owner. It's purly for squeezing money out from working class.😤
  • 1
    10% isn't much though. Any country with 10% income tax, I expect to suck a little. You need taxes to finance government programs like free standardized education, a well paid justice system that won't resort to corruption, well paid law enforcers that won't resort to corruption in order to survive, etc.

    With 10%, I assume that schools are all either shitty, or one has to pay tuition to attend, therefore it's not accessible to kids from poor families, which is a big no-no.
  • 0
    10% really is nothing...

    Im on about 40ish % so you don't have it that bad
  • 0
    Ummm 10% is an example digit guys. Dummy text. Placeholder. 😥
  • 0
    Well what was it about then? That taxes suck? Yeah they do. It also sucks to pay for food. Taxes are the cost of living in a civilized country.
  • 0
    @AndSoWeCode well you guys live on civilized lives. I really don't. Hence I rant.
  • 1
    I don't mind paying 50% of my earning or my company's earning to government, when that government can promise me they will take care of me or my company in proper way. It's all my point.

    Dig my profile and read where I'm from before judging I'm whining over trivial matter.
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