
4 week summer vacation over. Did not code any sideprojects and opened laptop only to watch netflix on vacation (Stranger Things ❤️). My liver will be pleased that its over. Tomorrow back to work, hopefully I remember how to code again 😜

  • 1
    4 weeks!? I'm thinking about taking a week off at some point.
  • 3
    How about remembering that pesky password you set four weeks ago...
  • 1
    I desperately need such a long break.
  • 3
    It can be really great to get away from coding. Reminds you why you love it.
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    @cjhowald to be honest, I've been itching to get back to work already 😀
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    @FoxHound Nah, not an issue as I use Enpass to store my passwords. All my passwords are strong and random generated so I have to use some kind of pw app to get them 😄
  • 0
    that i can call vacations!
  • 1
    4 weeks vacation at the very least is pretty standard in civilised parts of the world (sorry Americans, but you should really try labor unions, they're great).
  • 2
    UPDATE: seems that holiday without coding paid off. I fixed lots of bugs, created new features that were long due + updated infrastructure. I was like a duracel-bunny on steroids!

    It seems that coding is like riding a bike 😀
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