
Beating my imposter syndrome at work. Finishing my degree so my coworkers consider me a "real programmer." Having the confidence to do both.

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    A true programmer is not judged by pieces of paper that said you learned something. A true programmer creates a solution that allows others to learn.

    If you have programmed anything that solves a problem or fulfills a need, you are already a programmer. A piece of paper doesn't change that.
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    You’re not a ‘real’ anything just ‘cos you’ve got a degree. The real learning is just beginning. You won’t get rid of imposter syndrome, if you do it means you have stopped learning.
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    Imposter syndrome.... The worst kind of self ass kicking. I go through it every time I start something new with technology. The degree may help self confidence but don't let it dictate your work.
  • 1
    Imposter syndrome is a bitch.

    I’ve faced the “real programmer” bullshit before.

    I find code speaks for itself.

    Plus I’m quite a friendly, but dry humour / sassy gay dude, so people *tend* to get on with me pretty well.

    Just code your little heart out, do good work and the rest will follow.
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