

Here is a challenge for all programmers.

When you make a mistake, instead of backspacing or correcting, just comment out and redo. And then see the result at the end.

  • 5
    The end product would be a compilation of files 50+ MB each.
  • 2
    My comments:code ratio would be over 9000
  • 3
    Challenge ACCEPTED!! Nah, just kidding. I've got project deadline up ahead.
  • 0
    @Aitkotw yeah. When posting this, I even thought to myself "as if they have all the time in the world"
  • 1
    But I already do that with my GIT commits :/
  • 1
    Not enough space in my HD
  • 5
    Come on, that's boring. You have to write a workaround instead of fixing it.
  • 0
    @inaba do you commit every mistake?
  • 2
    Programming challenge stage 2. Find replace all ; with (
    Then try to fix the code
  • 1
    My change to this rant would be to break off (create a different version) when you run into a major bug (one that takes you at least 10 minutes). So you encounter a bug that takes a while, and you try to solve it; it might involve changing a few characters or adding more functions etc. before you solve it, make a copy of the old file and put it in a folder labeled “ver x.y”

    This is my v0.2 to this rant. 😁

    Then again, I guess this can be done with branches in git/github.
  • 0
    @emyu10 Ye, that's the power of branching :v
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