Everyone's always on about Atom, VS Code or Sublime. Show some love to Brackets, people!

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    I gave Brackets a try last year. Felt a bit laggy for large projects, so I stuck with Sublime. Lots of nice features in Brackets though.
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    the only thing that brackets is good for is the "create the css class directly from the html" function.
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    @JMoodyFWD yes it has died on me a couple of times and I've tried other but I keep getting back to it
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    They release updates rarely, and it lacks too many features.
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    We would, if it wasn't a steaming pile of shit
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    I thought this project was abandoned by Adobe because they're inserting all Brackets features into the lastest Dreamweaver??

    The only nifty feature of Brackets was it's PSD support for easy slicing and dicing and lifting the PS styles into CSS. Used it exclusively for a long time when I was doing lots of PSD to HTML jobs. Not having to guess fonts, sizes, kerning and spacing was really really nice.
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    Adobe already had a stranglehold on design tools. No need to let them make too much headway in the coding tools space.

    Plus I still have nightmares about Dreamweaver and ActionScript, so, I'm biased
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    @TheHanna Oh, I'm not a Dreamweaver fan but I used to use Brackets before Abobe abandoned it. I'm in love with VSCode now.
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    Adobe can fuck off
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