
Overall worst part of being a Software Dev? Really, really loving it. How could that be a bad thing you ask? Because people, in general, in life, do not want you to code. Managers, family, kids, colleagues, they all want your attention, they all want to yap at you, they all abhor seeing you concentrate at a screen. In short, they just can't leave you the fuck alone to do what you trained yourself so hard for. Best one of all is being hauled up on a daily basis for an hour to answer "How can we go faster!?" IDK maybe just let me do my thing? So fucking frustrating. If you don't recognise this and have all the time in the world, feel blessed, for you are free.

  • 6
    this hits hard so true
  • 3
    So true. But when I finally did get the time, I faced the other cons of having free time to do your passion. Without control, I huddled up to the computer for 16 hours a day for a while screwing up my health and my sleeping schedule.

    software development is a toxic relationship, man xD
  • 1
    NGL that one felt good to get out 😂
  • 0
    I'm pretty sure this thread is just AI bots talking to one another
  • 1
    My social life died during corona and didn't really came back. Made me stop drinking tho, no bars anymore. Also moved to the middle of nowhere to find a house to live. We have a housing crisis. Do not expect a house in the neighborhood if you lose your house now like I did (broke up relationship).
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