For any network security gurus, quick question

Does disabling NSAllowsArbitraryLoads on iOS add latency to network requests over http? if yes why?

  • 4
    It adds the overhead of actually forcing using https rather than http, but that's negligible compared to actual physical network latency.
  • 0
    @CoreFusionX what about setting it to true. After I set it to true, upon inspection of the network requests, it stalls for 15 seconds before submitting each request.
  • 5

    I hate crapple with a passion so I wouldn't know what kind of retarded bullshit they'd implement in their stack.

    I know of that option from having to DevOps retarded crapple builds, and as far as I know, having that option disabled (the default) just forces every HTTP request to use TLS (https) with some additional verifications that they sell as "lol aDDeD sEcuRitY" when it's pretty much standard issue, so not really any difference than to what you should be doing anyway.
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