Bugfix. About two years ago. Old C# codebase, MVC project... A fucking piece of it was sending money to the wrong Dynamics account, FOR TWO FUCKING YEARS.

  • 3
    Whoever's account that was, is one lucky bastard!!
  • 1
    How is that possible? :)
  • 5
    @iNCEPTiON @Aitkotw I was working for the government, so in this case, all accounts where internal, the problem was that every year-end (end of June) they had to rectify a massive chunk of data because the budgets for this department where leaking huge earnings on another department.

    Something like "oh shit, how the fuck did Pest Control made £9m last semester?"
  • 3
    @codePolitics lol that's the most hilarious thing I've heard all day XD
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