
A group that I met at a gathering of my school wanted to make this 1v1 fight game.
We got a group whatsapp going, assigned roles, planned a meeting and discussed some general ideas.

I was excited and looking forward to developing.

Meeting comes: there are two people present, myself and the 'lead developer' dude. We discuss some general stuff about the setting of the game. I ask him what he is planning for the actual development: "I don't know yet, I'll look into it"

After that the group gradually stopped talking about it and the idea just died .....

  • 8
    As you get older you'll recognize just how far this plan made it.

    I'm 34, a group of devs my age would straight up say it's a "cool idea, we'll never do it".
  • 1
    @shittywebdev sadness all around
  • 1
    There's a reason you never hear of open source games. Unless people work on it full time you can't get it done. Video game design has too many moving parts
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