

Just kidding. What are you, @Agred, twelve?
Mostly I'm going for a walk. If somewhat cleaner air won't help me I'm giving up entirely and driving home. Most of the times it gets the job done, as after around 20 min of driving my head gets clear enough to find some idea to push forward with task at hand.
Playing some video games for few minutes also let's me rest a bit and sometimes find a solution. Although this isn't something I would do often in the office for obvious reasons.

  • 24
    Well to be fair Masturbation can free your mind quite easily but it's difficult to do that in the office for obvious reasons 😅
  • 17
    @AlexDeLarge Plot twist: PM sits down next to you and joins you but says NoHomo after
  • 3
    @AlexDeLarge Sounds reasonable.
  • 17
    New Kickstarter Idea : Create and sell desks in sphere shape. Only your head is visible to others. So you have total privacy to carry out whatever activity you like inside the sphere. Name it "Fapposphere Desk"
  • 14
    @CurseMeSlowly randomly seeing coworkers face during their orgasm and listening to their moist sounds...
    When does production start?
  • 5
    @rasm945i Fapposphere is sound-proof. We can sell various masks as an add-on accessory.
  • 6
    @CurseMeSlowly Shut up and take my money!
  • 4
    @Agred @CurseMeSlowly this conv is leading somewhere XD
  • 3
    That rant tried to be grown up so much.😁
  • 2
    Rent sport car and drive 3-4 hours, mind cleared.
  • 2
    @grubbering thats such a high requirements stress relase activity for a dev 😮
  • 3
    @CurseMeSlowly i didn't said drive slowly ;)
  • 2
    @AlexDeLarge but weirdly she is still really adamant about saying no homo afterwards.
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