
I'm still learning coding but sometimes i think that I will fail and achieve nothing more

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    NEVER GIVE UP!! :q! IS NOT AN OPTION!!! Well, you can decide you don’t like programming and then nothing is holding you back, but before, be sure it is not the language itself that you hate or the way you are learning that causes problems. But if you like programming, then don’t worry, we can all do great stuff! We need to be perseverant to become better and better at it
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    @-vim- how may hours at less i need in one day as minimum? Since i work for 9 hours daily in my job (no much of psychical activity)
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    @sadao it doesn’t matter, just learn at your rythm, but I’d suggest learning by doing some fun projects.

    Also, if you think you are SUFFERING (capped it because if you think it is ok and you don’t care, don’t follow my advice, only follow it if you suffer from being dragged away from programming) because of like gaming taking you away from programming, just say “Ok! I’ll work on my project for 10 minutes (you can change the duration) after I can game” that way you can train yourself
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    I mirror everything everyone has said so far. A bit of background... I tried to learn programming for 10 years... Didn't understand a lick, gave up everytime. Then I found a purpose for it and over time it clicked.

    Make sure you have projects and goals to accomplish not just reading from a textbook or doing exercises you don't care about.

    When I started it took me a week by code to get excel to auto time stamp the b column when something was entered in the a column.

    Its laughable now.
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