
GF's brother, Connel (a seaman), knows I work in IT

Connel: you hack computers, right?
Me: not really. I'm more of a developer for businesses
Connel: can you hack banks like [insert name of local bank]? We can hack other people's passwords and make tons of money *laughs hysterically*
Me: (a bit awkward) probably. it depends
Connel: but you can really do it, right?
Me: uhm, maybe. It depends
Connel: but you can do it if you choose to, right?

*this went over for next 5 mins*

  • 2
    The least favor I've done to him was remove 2FA from his email account since he didn't like the added validation when in another device @1989
  • 12
    "Due to my agreement with one of the three letter agencies, I am not allowed to disclose the name of them, I am not at liberty to discuss my abilities in this domain, nor disclose any details of events that may or may not have taken place. Sorry."
  • 1
    Time to open cmd and type "color 0a". Hacker mode activated.
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