
Just me getting angry about the reaction after the Cambridge-scandal?
The news are spamming it every hour, and suddenly everyone is "well aware about my privacy" and deleting their Facebooks.

I mean, as if we didn't know this all along. O-fucking-course your data is stored and sold for adds, you accepted it when you wanted to "see which celebrity you are alike"!

I walk around and talk about privacy with people kinda a lot, and nobody seems to care. And then this happens, and people are going nuts. Waow, what a surprise!

Haha, have a nice evening DevRanters! ;) (20:55)@swe

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    "It's just my data, i don't care if they get it because it's nothing important"

    What now, hypocrite?

    (Not you, OP, as so often i'm talking to an imaginary person)
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    They know that their data was stored. That’s not the problem. The problem was that it was shared with 3d party without them knowing. Is that not clear?
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    @woops facebook itself is a violation of privacy

    Even if facebook wouldn't share their data you could still pay for (dark) ads and target specific groups of people. For a short period of time facebook even allowed you to show your ads to people who "hate jews" (their words).
    Point is, all the manipulation is and can still be done with facebook keeping your data (which you said people did give consent for)
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    @YouAreAPIRate I don’t disagree. Fb doesn’t give a shit about privacy and we know that. But they don’t do it in a formal form. That’s why people got “angry”. As we all know, as i hope, nothing is gonna change so fuck Facebook and let’s move on.
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    @YouAreAPIRate Yes, exactly. That is what I allude to.

    The positive side is that people are opening their eyes, and doing more about it.
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    Wish Zuckerburg stop the apology tour and be honest.

    Sit in front of congress/media and say "Yea, we use the data you freely gave us to make us billionaires. What are you gonna do about it? Delete your account? No, you're gonna suck it bitch because...yea...we're Facebook. Proof? OK, free Kardashian app that live streams from their bathroom for all Facebook users"

    Facebook gets 10 million new subscribers.
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    @woops i don't understand why people get angry when a company does the same thing as facebook, but with data they shouldn't have had.
    I'm with you, ignore facebook and move on. I hope they go down or take a major hit over this.
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    @lines dont get your hopes up, remember the last scandal there was. People were shocked and outraged for a day, remembered for a week and in a month everything was just a before.
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    @YouAreAPIRate i feel it’s not the same when i give you my info and i know that what you will do is sell them to marketers with selling them for political reasons.
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    @woops ok, i can somewhat agree on facebook getting the data. But when i created my facebook account i was a teenager, and if i had to agree on this i would say today i didn't know the implications of that. All i wanted at the time was to chat with friends. Maybe facebook will ask you again when you're 18 or 21, but you would just agree and move an.

    What i can't get behind is how facebook is using its data. It's abusing its power by letting anyone with enough money spread lies and manipulate ones view of the world. You shouldn't be allowed to do this in the first place, but no one had this much power before so i guess that's a discussion that has to be done yet.
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    I don't really understand the issue.. that company made viral videos and promoted them using facebook right? Isn't it known that your data is shared with the advertisers?
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    This is like the time when we deleted all those snap chat accounts nothing changed after that nothing will now
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    People only care as long as the news talks about it. People will forget it again the second that the news stop talking about it.

    Just like everything else.
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    I love how so many people are labelling this as hacking, when it’s social engineering at best.

    This is just yet another example of what happens when people use technology they haven’t even the faintest clue of the inner workings.
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