I'm starting to think people don't know what the word "decentralized" means.

  • 31
    I'm making the next google, it's a dezentralized blockchain with big data ai
  • 4
    But for real, a decentralized facebook is not impossible. There recently was a talk about it on media.ccc.de. Give it another 5 years and there'll be a good implementation. I'm not saying it'll be adopted though.
  • 4
    After laughing Diaspora came up in my mind
  • 6
    We had decentralised facebook years ago - is was called a mailing list. You just email your meme or holiday photo to it and the whole group gets it in their inbox.
  • 0
    There is Rotonde paired with the Beaker browser on the DAT protocol.
  • 2
    @marcom Apparently people just assume there ISN'T already a decentralized social network like Facebook...

  • 1
    First it was AI, then it was machine learning, then blockchain, now decentralised. Wonder what the next tech buzzword is going to be.
  • 1
    @nikmanG forgot big data and data warehouse
  • 0
    ... and cloud
  • 0
    Decentralized SmartAI Big Data Cryptocurrency Machine Learning Blockchain?
  • 0
    @marcom Little Facebooks appearing everywhere 8)
  • 0
    @systemctl Of course, that's the solution !
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