Not a rant, but I'd love to see three top notch developers, doing a coding challenge, in the same language, without any text editors, IDE's, compilers ( other than pre-installed ones ) when they start, working on 'their' most unfamiliar OS; the three OS options being Linux, Windows & OSX.

Any opinions on who might complete first?

  • 0
    ... and in which language would you host the challenge?
  • 4
    ArnoldC or Brainfuck 😉
  • 5
    write a basic C compiler in Brainfuck for Rasberry Pi.

    that would be my challenge.
  • 1
    I guess it depends on the challenge. if it's something quick I'd do it in python if it's like making a desktop app probably Java, other option is C++
  • 0
    I was also thinking something in the order of python/php as well. And after some more thought, it might have been more interesting to say mediocre/novice programmers.
  • 0
    Some people just wanna watch the world burn!!
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