
Gotta up my mobile skills. Is Xamarin a good fit??

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    Go native! Xamarin is good to know if you already know native IMO
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    Depends on what your non-mobile dev skills are. Are you a .NET developer (or prefer C# as a language)?
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    Yeah , but if you are willing to debug with something like " error in line 51, stacktrace and logs unavailable" and there is nothing there
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    Nope lol
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    Flutter looks cool. Never used it though.
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    Go native.
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    Nope, none at all. Native is really the way to go. Unless you want to inves in R.N or Flutter. But Xamarin, even tho a nice platform is pretty meh. The ammount of code you would write is equivalent to the native one so might as well go native.
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    @AleCx04 Go with Java, or JS
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    @CozyPlanes ?? that is what I said
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