So anyone deleted their facebook?

  • 6
    What is facebook??😛
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    😁😁😁I not installed yet.
  • 5
    About 5 years ago
  • 0
    Ages ago 😄
  • 7
    Does being inactive count?
  • 1
    ☺ this is were my true family lay. Non-F givers when it comes to Facebook
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    @bitsnpieces i think u hab to delete or deactivate it
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    No, I'm not a narcissist.
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    I have one, but it's just there to stop by family from asking me to make one every week
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    I think people are seeing things in a bad angle...

    I only have Facebook so that I have something that reminds me of people birthdays without me having to do anything... It's like when I was young and my mother remembered me "hey, it's your brother's birthday today"

    Secretly I'm waiting for Facebook to become smarter and warn me in advance of my wedding and wife's birthday... It should be nice if it integrated an online shopping platform so it can say "hey, it's your wife's birthday next week, here are some of the stuff she has been looking at lately"...
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    @mmcorreia in literally every phone there is a function built in which does exactly what you described. I'm not sure what the feature was called though, something long Valendar... Valendar, owh wait its a Calendar...
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    Yeah I deleted it, I'm getting less and less social :)

    But it also does something with my mind... I deleted WhatsApp a while ago and even though I never got useful messages I still feel like I'm missing things. Now Facebook is gone I feel good in someway but also annoyed that I can't stay up to date with some things from people from my past.
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    @Codex404 I think that's called Stockholm syndrome 🤔🤣
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    @Codex404 as I said... "Without me having to do anything"... The calendar app either needs people to set their info correctly and publicly (my grandma does not), but in Facebook they do it... So, sticking with my beliefs...

    They can only sell or leak your usage and what you provide the service... Be aware of what you are sharing and your risks are mitigated. Or don't ever use....

    Using a service that is publicly known to sell user data and then cry about it is at least idiotic...
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    @mmcorreia well its more difficult to sign up and add people as friend then just put them in you calendar once.
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    @Codex404 I believe your math is wrong... Sign up : 1 long action...
    Add relevant information into a calendar app: possibly infinite...
    Accept friend request : 1 click

    Also, I never once asked a client's birthday but more than once a client added me to FB and that allowed me to know relevant info about him and profit....

    Again, I was making a joke but still think that if you cut off for privacy you are the only one losing, or do you believe the media apps miss you? Not even Tesla's page being turned off hurt sucky... Do you believe he cries when an account is deleted?

    Use the apps but be aware of their business model, protect your privacy by choosing your usage, make your data useless...

    If people stop using they will find some other way to get data... But while they get it from social media, the info they get from me is useless...
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    @mmcorreia if someone is losing from not using social media its either your friends or the platform. I only win.
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    @Codex404 you keep not getting the point but okay... We will give you a prize for deleting your account! Good for you, go live now that you don't have the social media opressors tracking your every move and porn viewing!
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    @mmcorreia you don't get my point... I have never really used it, maybe twice a year I opened Facebook. Never had twitter, Instagram etc.

    What you don't have/use you don't miss.
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    @Codex404 so we are at the same page... I don't use any social media app merely because I don't see the point of exposing myself in such a way...

    I can't only get why this data breach is so surprising... FBs business model is based on selling user's data... This was bound to happen sooner or later...
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