We have a Monday meeting at 07:30. Yes, I have to BE at work at 07:30.

Now, my boss knows full well that I have to fight through traffic every single fucking day and also that I travel for on average just over an hour. Some days we're looking at closer to 2 hours!

And, without fail, the meeting will start at 07:30 with or without me. There are days that I catch the arse end of the meeting (like today) or other days were I miss the meeting altogether.

I'm done with this company in any case and am currently looking for alternative employment. And I'm also done with going to these people and talking about this!

  • 2
    I have a rule for meetings , it should be scheduled for not before 11 am. And my weekly meetings with my team is always on Monday at 4 pm
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    Where do I sign up?

    What time do you start and finish work, if I may ask?
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    @GinjaNinja as I live away from my family, I like to cover my evening with work as the evenings are the hardest part of the day. I finish at 2000 hrs. Approx.
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    @rookiemaverick Ouch! That's a long day.
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    Wow! You're lucky... then again it is 8 hours.

    I work 9 hours a day, with a half hour lunch break, so a total of 9 and a half hours at work. Slap an hour plus of traffic on either side of that, and that's my work day, 5 days a week!
  • 2
    Wow that is rather lame... I feel your pain though, I used to have to get up at 3:30am to be at work at 7am and be fortunate if I got out at 6pm... And then get home at like 9pm... Its better you leave, it sounds like this place is bad for your health and balance all together, and if they don't value you enough to move the meeting time, well enough said..
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    According to the law here in South Africa, the maximum number of hours per week is 45 hours. This equates to 9 hours per day... which is the policy at our company.

    Also, the minimum allotted time for a lunch break, as per what the law stipulates, is half an hour. However, most companies allow an hour lunch break. Again, our company chooses the minimum time for their policy.

    Another thing is overtime. The company will not compensate for overtime worked, as per the contract. And I will flat out refuse to work overtime if I am not being compensated for it!
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    WOW!!! I would go insane! I'm struggling a lot to cope at the moment, as it is, and that's just with the hours and commute that I have to currently deal with.

    And as I mentioned, I am currently in the process of looking for alternative employment, so I am staying positive that things improve in the not too distant future.
  • 1
    @GinjaNinja I hope they do, and I am sure they will! You deserve to have balance in your life, be considered, and to still improve on your career and yourself as a dev, and with your current frustration levels I don't think you're getting to your maximum potential.
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