Any tips for computer science students?

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    - learn to programm on your own.
    - specialize in something
    - be curious about neighboring professions such as, design, business, data science and so on.
    - Counsel your prof often.
    - your fellow students know alot too, and in the next years they will probably get you a job if you need one.
    - Read a book a week.
    - www.medium.com is a genius place to learn new stuff.
    - go to www.meetups.com
    - Cherish your github.com repo and participate on open source projects. It's your portfolio and your ticket to a high paying job.
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    @heyheni This is really helpful! Thank you so much!

    Also, I totally agree with the "be curious" part.

    I need to manage my time better and start my own small project as I always wished to.
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    Personal Kanban: Map your work, control your life

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    @heyheni this is amazing! I still have to finish my OS homework first, but after that, I'll spend some time on that site for sure.
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    Learn about VCS, why they are useful, and use one for real. You probably want to pick git, it's the most popular these days (for good reasons). Learn it in and out (not just commits, learn about staging area, how to branch, cherry-pick, edit history ....).

    That's one of the most important thing that is missing in almost every CS curriculum.
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