Hey this is Jenny from XYZ Company

I don't FUCKing care where you're FUCKing from.. If I never signed up for your "marketing" mails.

  • 1
    Omg I know. I get so fucking many emails from these kinds of people. Finally went off on a guy who kept emailing me about software for purchase after I told him that I no longer manage software purchases for my company. Told him that if he even replied to my email apologizing I would get his boss involved.

    Never heard from him again for some reason...
  • 0
    I once heard a solution for that.
    Just buy a own domain and register a 'catch all' at you mailserver. Then use for every registration the email <servicedomain>@yourdomain.com. With this, you can see who selled your data
  • 1
    @d4rkmindz Huh, never thought about that, that might come in handy.
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