So after getting my question down-voted & deleted in SO, I thought of trying my luck here.

As a recent graduate and unemployed, Do you think I should focus on one web platform or I should know a bit of everything and then later on I focus on one platform when I get my full time job? or what do you think I should do?

I have experience with Laravel (mid-level) and asp.net core (beginner level).

Thank you for your time.

  • 3
    You sound a lot like me, lol
  • 4
    I'm trying to learn a bit of everything. Try to get a lot of experience from different jobs/opportunities. As far as I hear, it's all about experience and references in webdev
  • 2
    @TheFlx I'm building a portfolio on github by doing open source projects.
  • 3
    do what you like to do most and apply for every possible job. it's important to make a start so you will have experience and confidence about your skills.
    Also try a lot of stuff, I never liked web development until I start working on a company and joined a project. Now I m working in 4 different projects in my job and as freelancer using asp mvc and bootstrap+angular.
  • 4
    It is a great question. I would try to focus on one niche you are interested in to start.
    Market your skills to companies that need your expertise. Even companies not hiring externally. Timing might be right and they may need you or think of you when they have the need.
    They will appreciate your guts in contacting them directly. Few people do that. They are often scared to do it.
    Be aggressive and do not get discouraged. In the job hunting game 100 no's and just 1 yes and you win!
    Make job hunting your job! Job boards are the worst place to find a job.
    So what specific questions do you have for the successful devs on devRant?
  • 0
    @mohammed yes SO did the right thing, that question is not for stackoverflow.com, SO is for programming questions, specifically questions where you can present bugs and get help. in debugging
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