
Anyone here using system 76 products? Seem interesting

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    the visual proramming synthesizer?
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    I've used not their products, but basically an identical clone - the XMG P505, which is exactly the same laptop as one of their line.

    The only issue that I had on Linux was just bad fan control. But there's absolutely no reason not to go for a Lenovo or Asus, or LG, Dell, HP, or whatever else suits you. As long as it's not cheap hardware subsidized by Microsoft to only work on Windows, it's just as good or better. The XMG P505 had seemingly good build quality, but the whole thing was too flimsy and I had to replace a cracked LCD screen because it broke when I was wiping a smudge on it. I found many mainstream laptops to be much better.
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    They look cool, A similar company is https://starlabs.systems/
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